martes, 9 de junio de 2020


Hello to all of you!!! We hope you and your family and friends are doing fine. Little by little we are all going back to the "normal" life we had before but remember to be very careful.

It's almost time to say goodbye to another school year, filled with lovely memories and experiences that will stay in our heart forever. And since the summer holidays are almost here, we would like to end our weekly English lessons with a very catchy and funny story-song called "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom".

How many small letters do you think can fit up the coconut tree? Too many! This is an alphabet rhyme where all the letters of the alphabet race each other up the coconut tree. The lower-case letters (minúsculas) climb a coconut tree in alphabetical order, until the tree bends so much, causing all 26 letters to tumble out of the tree. Capital letters (mayúsculas) come to help them. The book describes each alphabet letter's injury. It is a great story to review or to begin to recognize the letters of the English alphabet.

Some yoga poses with the letters of the alphabet sounds like fun, don't you think?

Or how about playing some letter games on this website called Starfall?

Some of the activities related to the story are the following:


Get ready to play: Go outside and learn making letters in nature. Using rocks, sticks, flower petals, etc. create or find things in nature with the shapes of the letters. These are some examples I made with my son Martín during our walks together...

And as a final school year challenge you can look around your house to create your very own English alphabet!!! Find objects in your house, with the help of a grown-up, a make your personalised abc, please don't forget to send us your pictures!

Time to say goodbye kiddies...We hope you like this week's story and enjoy singing your ABCs. 

Don't forget to send us your photos, they are fantastic and it's lovely to see you every week. 

We miss you a lot, tons of hugs and kisses from your English Teachers💕


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